Ms. Arendale graduated from Texas Tech University (TTU) with a B.S. in geosciences and a minor in petroleum geology in the spring of 2011. She was a recipient of the faculty nominated, merit-based Energy Cup Scholarship from the Geosciences Department at TTU. Avery completed her senior thesis entitled "Constraining the Onset of Cretaceous Peraluminous Magmatism in the Ruby Mountains, Nevada" which was chosen to be presented at the Joint Geoscience Society of America (GSA) Section Meeting in May 2011. During her undergraduate studies, she completed internships with two oil and gas companies in Houston. She decided to enroll in Rice's PSM Subsurface Geoscience track to continue her education in petroleum geology and pursue a career in the oil and gas industry. Avery finished her internship with Hess Corporation and she secured employment with Roxanna Oil Company after her graduation.