Aaron Xu
Aaron Xu graduated from Haverford College in 2023 with a B.S. in Physics. During his time at Haverford, he worked alongside Dr. Suzanne Amador Kane studying the jumping biomechanics of an invasive insect in the northeastern United States. He developed MATLAB programs/tools/pipeline to process and analyze high speed videos that captured the aerobatics of the insects as they tumbled through the air. Aaron also had the opportunity to learn and apply extreme value theory to analyze the frequency of very large ocean waves in the Pacific at the Duke University Marine Lab with Dr. Jim Hench, which was made possible through the NSF REU program. In his senior year, Aaron created a simple theoretical model using the Repast4py agent based modeling package in python that examined the effects of habitat fragmentation and habitat corridors on animal movement across a habitat. Aaron is now enrolled in the Professional Masters program in Environmental Analysis, looking to start a career in environmental consulting or risk management.