Mr. Brannan completed the Bioscience and Health Policy program in December 2018. During his time at Rice University, he accepted an internship at Baylor College of Medicine’s Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy. Mr. Brannan is currently Project Director at Adaptive Testing Technologies, a Chicago-based healthcare technology organization that is revolutionizing mental health measurement to better match individuals with the appropriate level of care and working with organizations like the Department of Veterans Affairs and Research Triangle Institute. In addition, he is the Center Business Administrator at the University of Chicago Center for Health Statistics, a statistical research environment that is actively using data to inform better healthcare decisions. Finally, he spends a portion of his time conducting qualitative policy work as a Senior Healthcare Analyst for Ripple Effect, a management consulting firm that works with clients such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Mr. Brannan has published work in mental health policy, social vulnerability, neuroscience, and psychiatric genetics.