Michele Espin Bahamonde

Ms. Espín graduated with a B.S. in Chemical Sciences with an emphasis in analytical chemistry from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in 2012. As an undergraduate, Michelle was research assistant at the Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at PUCE where she was focused on the study of reactivity and selectivity in organic reactions. Her senior thesis work, a study of pollution caused by gas emissions and particulate matter from motor vehicles in the city of Quito, allowed her to qualitatively and quantitatively assess air quality, and become more aware of the anthropogenic impact on the environment. Furthermore, she gained valuable experience in data analysis and instrumental techniques while working with soil and water samples at CESAQ-PUCE. Now Michelle is enrolled in the Environmental Analysis and Decision Making track where she aims to enhance her science background and acquire important insight into management and business practices. Michelle finished her internship with Waste Management, and is now an Environmental Associate at CAMS eSPARK.